Friday, September 30, 2005


Well I speant last night (all the way to 7 am) and the last few nights watching the first season of lost the tv show. It is increadabely addicting. If you haven't been watching the show you probobly should this is a really great series. It always leaves off at horriblely suspenseful parts. Ok I have about 4 PBR's in me right now I'm going to go to bed.


IT Houston said...

I'd have to say my favorite character on lost is Charlie. I think I identify most with him. Not that i'm a herion addict but I know what addiction is like, and he just seems to be most like me.
In the lord of the rings I'd have to say Sam.

Holli said...

In LOTR, my favorite character was Legolas but I don't think I identified with him most - he was way way too cool to be "me." I think I probably identified more with Frodo than anyone - sometimes I feel like I've been "chosen" to carry a heavy burden that is almost too much sometimes... thank God for friends along the way! I think my favorite part of the movies (I don't remember exactly how this happened in the books) was when Sam acknowledged that he couldn't carry the ring, but he COULD carry Frodo. I like powerful images of friendship, like that.