Monday, December 26, 2005


Well the top floor is so close to being done I can taste it. It has been awesome having matt here to help out. Speaking of matt, and brielle, it is a joy to have them back here. Matt is a really great guy. The bathroom is painted and just moulding, a bit of electrical trim out, and the plumbing fixtures is left. The plaster is completely done and all the walls have been primed. So in the landing upstairs there is painting, trim, and some bookshelves to be done. In one bedroom there is a door needed to be hung and in both rooms closets we have to hang the clothing rods. Sounds like alot but it is just a few minor things. Next we have to jump downstairs to do a bunch of work to get ready for an inspector.

Christmas was pretty nice but not quite what I wanted it to be. I can always remember in years past hanging out around the tree sleeping and talking with friends and family enjoying the gifts that we have given each other. This year we decided that we would not buy any gifts for each other, and that we would only give gifts that were hand-made, gifts to charity, or something to that effect. Of course my parents couldn't resist so we got a few things. My brother got me a onion slicer from Saint vinnie's. It makes those bloomin onion things like they have at outback.

School is looming on the horizon, and I'm getting a little nervous. I'm sure once I get into the swing of things everything will be fine. I'm taking first aid, spanish 101, writing 123, and some wierd human relations thing. Clyde Parker gave me an old ford escort. It's probobly kinda crappy but hey free is free. That remids me that I need to add Clyde in my prayers as one of the good blessings in my life. He is really a great christian, and a great guy.

Been feeling a bit depressed lately but I think I'm coming out of it. I think alot of it is coming from both of my siblings getting married. I kinda feel like I was skipping down the road arm in arm with my family, and then all of a sudden everyone was like peace B i'm out. Anyway more to come as I am caught up in the work and festivities of the season.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Wha?..... Huh?.....

Well it seems that the federal government has forgoten to pay me some of my veterans benifits from last time I went to School. So I have a bunch of cold hard cash coming my way. Anyway everything for school is set up although I should probobly find out the first day of class.

Tonight I had the chance to minister to a young woman who is a self proclaimed lesbian. We had a long talk about many things including Christ, and His love. I gave her my copy of "blue like jazz" becuase I thought it might be able to say some things to her that I couldn t.

I also finally quit at stop-n-rob. I was getting so sick of that place. I just hope that meeting the above mentioned girl there, is part of God's infinitly all powerful plan.

I am soo blessed It's almost crazy. Are you taking crazy pills? Maybe so.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Holy Re-model Batman!

Well we have been working hard on the house. Almost all things have taken a backseat to the work. We took a few days off and worked on my Dad's new laminate floors though. The basement is very near texturing and paint is right after that. Although we have turned our focus to the top floor in anticipation for the Deppes arrival, on the 20th?
I am trying to get everything set up for school winter term and it hard trying to look for another job, getting set up for school, working on two houses, looking into work visas and jobs in mexico, and staying ahead of my bills while trying to maintain some kind of social life.
I also started a new forum for political discussion and added it to my blog links section. I am the admin there so I can controll all of your thoughts. Oops did I just reveal my evil plan? MUhahahahahaha. Thought I'd throw an evil laugh in there for good measure. But really come check out my forums if you like discussing politics at a place that doesn't let people flame each other. Intelligent conversations only, Hopefully.