Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Holy Re-model Batman!

Well we have been working hard on the house. Almost all things have taken a backseat to the work. We took a few days off and worked on my Dad's new laminate floors though. The basement is very near texturing and paint is right after that. Although we have turned our focus to the top floor in anticipation for the Deppes arrival, on the 20th?
I am trying to get everything set up for school winter term and it hard trying to look for another job, getting set up for school, working on two houses, looking into work visas and jobs in mexico, and staying ahead of my bills while trying to maintain some kind of social life.
I also started a new forum for political discussion and added it to my blog links section. I am the admin there so I can controll all of your thoughts. Oops did I just reveal my evil plan? MUhahahahahaha. Thought I'd throw an evil laugh in there for good measure. But really come check out my forums if you like discussing politics at a place that doesn't let people flame each other. Intelligent conversations only, Hopefully.

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