Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Wha?..... Huh?.....

Well it seems that the federal government has forgoten to pay me some of my veterans benifits from last time I went to School. So I have a bunch of cold hard cash coming my way. Anyway everything for school is set up although I should probobly find out the first day of class.

Tonight I had the chance to minister to a young woman who is a self proclaimed lesbian. We had a long talk about many things including Christ, and His love. I gave her my copy of "blue like jazz" becuase I thought it might be able to say some things to her that I couldn t.

I also finally quit at stop-n-rob. I was getting so sick of that place. I just hope that meeting the above mentioned girl there, is part of God's infinitly all powerful plan.

I am soo blessed It's almost crazy. Are you taking crazy pills? Maybe so.


ah said...

It's the season of job-quittin!!

PJS said...

Quitting jobs is awesome!